Solar Panel Cleaning
We regularly carry out solar panel cleaning in Powys. We carry out solar panel cleaning on residential and commercial properties.
Below is information for farmers regarding solar panel cleaning, but if you would like a free quote for residential solar panel cleaning, please contact us.
Powys has been very active installing solar panels over the last few years and many clients have been from the farming community. Farming makes up a large part of Powys income and farmers have been quick to realise the financial benefits of solar power. As a result, poultry sheds, cow sheds, grain stores and a number of other buildings are now covered in solar panels.
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Farms are particularly dusty places. Harvesting, farm traffic and extractor fans on animal sheds are all reasons for dust becoming airborne. When the dust particles are captured by falling rain, the dust often lands on the solar panels and they can become very dusty.
In order to produce the most electricity, these solar panels need cleaning periodically.We have carried out solar panel cleaning on a number of Powys farms, including Knill Farm, below.

As you can see from the picture, we can clean solar panels working from a Manitou or other telehandler with a cage attached. We are happy to operate these ourselves or you can provide a driver if you prefer. By using your on-site telehandler, you may be saving up to £300.00 per day in cherrypicker hire costs.
When we clean the solar panels, where possible, we monitor the output before and after cleaning. It is on farm solar arrays where we see the largest increase in electricity generation. It is not unusual to see a 25% increase in output. This gives farmers exceptional value for money for their solar panel cleaning.
If you are a farm owner, please feel free to contact us for a no-obligation quote for your solar panel cleaning.
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