Steve Williams, Managing Director or Clean Solar Solutions has released the Solar Trade Association (STA) Rooftop O&M Best Practice Guidelines. They were released at Solar Quality 2020. This is prominent solar industry event. It is jointly hosted by the STA and Solar Power Europe.

What Are The Rooftop O&M Best Practice Guidelines?
The Rooftop O&M Best Practice Guidelines aim to set industry standards. They discuss how to maintain rooftop systems. O&M is the largest cost in the life of a solar PV installation. This is beyond the initial installation.

The Guidelines are not a certification document. The intention is not to try and compel solar rooftop O&M companies to abide by its contents. We should always be committed to improving standards in the UK solar industry. These Rooftop O&M Guidelines are our view on best practice for safe working. They will help ensure solar PV systems are monitored and maintained correctly.
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The Guidelines cover several subjects. Firstly, we cover suggested training requirements for all O&M workers. Secondly, we discuss problems relating to safe roof access and solar array design. Thirdly, we discuss panel cleaning, fault identification and monitoring. Lastly, we include suggested checklists for maintenance tasks and provide information on warranty claims. The Guidelines comment throughout on health, safety, and training because this is of paramount importance.
What Role Have Clean Solar Solutions Played In Producing The Guidelines?
Our Managing Director was asked to be Chair of the Rooftop O&M Working Group by the STA. This was because he has vast experience of O&M. He has worked in the U.K., Europe, Mexico & Australia. Moreover, he also has over 25 years of experience of working at height. It was felt that Steve was well-positioned to help compile the document. Steve wrote the Access, Training & Cleaning sections. Other sections were written by experts from across the U.K. O&M industry. The whole document was sent out for peer review prior to publishing.
The document was released at the online Solar Quality event. This event is hosted jointly by the STA and Solar Power Europe. Steve also hosted a panel of key contributors of the Guidelines. They showcased some of the highlights of the document to the wider European solar industry.
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Clean Solar Solutions abide as far as possible to comply with the guidance given in the Rooftop O&M Best Practice Guidelines. We adhere to the highest safety standards for working at height, for instance. We also seek to work to the highest standards for O&M.
What WILL V2.0 Of The STA Rooftop O&M Guidelines Look Like?
As with all industries, technologies and working approaches evolve and move forward. V2.0 will continue the theme of having all rooftop O&M carried out based on detailed case-by-case planning. It will again be written and proofread by solar industry professionals. This will continue to be the best way to ensure that a rooftop PV system is operated safely, and as effectively as possible.
Further subjects to be discussed in V2.0 of the Guidelines are:
- Safe access to roofs
- Creating a safe working environment whilst on roofs
- ‘Solar 7’ Training
- Abseiling access
- Floating solar array O&M
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This will help the STA develop industry knowledge and expectations further. As a result, it will also contribute to a safe and successful rooftop O&M industry. You can download your copy here:
In conclusion, Clean Solar Solutions intend to do their part by continuing to be a flagship rooftop O&M company across Europe.
Please contact us for more information about our rooftop O&M services.