Clean Solar Solutions will be exhibiting at a brand new trade event in Telford which is aimed specifically at dairy farmers. The Dairy Day UK event to be held at Telford International Centre on September 17th 2014 is expecting over 5,000 dairy farmers from all over the UK to attend.

Steve Williams, M.D. of Clean Solar Solutions explains why they will be exhibiting, “This event is specifically for progressive, profit-driven farmers who are looking to continue to move their industry forward. Renewable energy, specifically solar energy, has been at the forefront of many farmers minds over the last few years with the attractive FiTs available from the government. Many farmers have taken advantage of this and had solar panels installed across their buildings. Farm environments cause solar panels to get very dusty and generation decreases. That’s where we come in.”
Our solar panel cleaning service has been independently proven to increase electricity generation on farm arrays by up to 23%. Due to the dusty atmospheres that exist on farms, coupled with the relatively shallow angle that farm roofs are built at means that solar panels on farms get dirty, quickly. Because forward-thinking farmers monitor the output from their solar panels and analyse the data, they are seeing drops in output and are calling us in. After cleaning, the farmers see increases in generation that outweigh the cost of the cleaning.
At the Dairy Day, we will be carrying out live demonstrations all day long, showing farmers how we can safely clean solar panels and explaining how effective our solar panel cleaning service can be.
Steve Williams concludes “The theme of Dairy Day UK is ‘Helping increase profits.’ Our solar panel cleaning service helps farmers to do just that. Clean solar panels means that the owner will get their investment back quicker than the man down the road with dirty solar panels. We are eagerly looking forward to showcasing our service at this brand new farming event.”
If you will be attending the Dairy Day UK event, we would be glad to hear from you. We may even be able to share a wee dram on the day!